
ملتقى الطلاب الليبيين للدراسة في الخارج، اخر قرارات الإيفاد، التفويضات، إدارة البعثات

descriptionGood websites dealing with scientific writing: how to write a Master or PhD thesis  EmptyGood websites dealing with scientific writing: how to write a Master or PhD thesis


Learner Associates
Access to the documents "Guide for writing a funding proposal"

Faculty of Education, University of Sydney
Links to various websites around the woeld that give tips for writing grant proposal

Plain English Campaign
Guides to writing medical information including letters and reports

Cochrane Collaboration
Access to Cochrane reviews

Cochran Collaboration
Guidelines for authors and contributors for preparing systematic reviews of the effects of health care interventions

Cochran Collaboration
Access to the cochrane Collaboration's program RevMan for preparing and maintaining Cochrane reviews

Medical College of Ohio, Raymon H. Mulford Library
www. mco.edu/lib/instr/libinsta.html
Linkd to websites that provide instructions to authors for over 2000 journals in the health sciences

New England Journal of Medicines
Access to case reports and educational What's the Diagnosis and Clinical Medicine Quiz sites

Australian Society for Medical Research
Guide to how to prepare a postgraduate thesis

Learner Associates
Access to the document Writing and presenting your thesis or dissertation


Good websites dealing with scientific writing: how to write a Master or PhD thesis  317284_1496692594635_1753737844_741938_2784551_n

descriptionGood websites dealing with scientific writing: how to write a Master or PhD thesis  Emptyرد: Good websites dealing with scientific writing: how to write a Master or PhD thesis


I wish sister you put this valuable subject
in the languages-montda to benefit all students not only the ones in Australia

Best regards


Good websites dealing with scientific writing: how to write a Master or PhD thesis  113

descriptionGood websites dealing with scientific writing: how to write a Master or PhD thesis  Emptyرد: Good websites dealing with scientific writing: how to write a Master or PhD thesis

I think that the Academic Montada is the best place for these subject

I will send it there


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