رحمــة كتب: ASHOUR كتب: بارك الله فيكم ...لكن المدرسة يبو ايضا رسالة الدعم المالي !! هل يمكن ارسال رسالة دعم مالي لاكثر من جهة ؟؟ وعلى حسب علمي رسالة الدعم المالي ستكون موجهه للجامعة بذاتها !! كيف يمكنني الحصول على قبول من مدرسة اخرى ؟ وهل المدرسة تعطيك كاس نمبر ؟
وفيك بارك الله .. إذا كان بالإمكان أن تتحصل على ورقة دعم مالي عامة بدون تخصيص لجامعة معينة أو يمكنك الحصول على ورقة دعم مالي مخصصة يمكنك بها الحصول على قبول جديد ويتم إعطاءك كاس نمبر بحكم لديك درجة في الأيلتس أكثر من 4 في كل جزء من أي مدرسة او معهد جامعة أخرى .
بارك الله فيك .. ممكن لوسمحت تتطلع على البريد الالكتروني اللي ارسلته للجامعة والرد منهم ... نامل الاطلاع والتوجيه بالخصوص ..
[ltr]Dear Ashour,[/ltr]
[ltr]I cannot recommend another institution, but wonder if you would consider doing a longer pre-sessional English course on Campus at the University of Huddersfield? We can issue you with an offer for either a 2 term pre-sessional course which will begin in March 2014, or if that is too soon, then a 1 term pre-sessional course will begin in June.[/ltr]
[ltr]Please advise me if either of these options are acceptable to you. They are the only options that we can offer you.[/ltr]
[ltr]Kind regards[/ltr]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ltr]Dear Kirsten ,,[/ltr]
Thank you for your email and appreciate your kind efforts in this matter. However ,in fact I don't need to take Pre-Master course and probably no need to take Pre-Sessional course ,since I am going to apply for another IELTS exam next year and I'm quite confident that I can get the university score required or more .but for the time being I'm still accepting your offer for the Pre-Sessional course.[/ltr]
I have confirmed my acceptance of your offer to commence MSc programme beginning in September 2014 , and I will send my Statement of Financial Support within next week , but on the other hand I would not like to go to UK and start my programme straightaway without staying couple of months arranging my accommodation ,being adapted to the city ,people ,weather, lifestyle, etc. So in this regard I will not be able to do that if I start my stressful programme immediately .
Therefore , I would be so grateful if you could assist me by providing an English course even at any school that you are dealing with, from arriving date which will be initially on May 2014 until starting my MSc programme .
[ltr]Best Regards and your kind cooperation shall be much appreciated .[/ltr]