fakroon كتب: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالي وبركاتة
لو سمحتوا طالب متخرج من جامعة انجليزية ومكتوب علي الشهادة Diploma supplement مع العلم ان الشهادة هي ماستر ماذا تعني هذه الكلمة يا ريت من اهل الخيرة افادتي.
وعليكم السلامكل شهادات الماجستير من 2006 يرفق معها هذه الورقة وهي حسب مافهمت عبارة عن تفاصيل ومحتوى الدراسة وغيرها من التفاصيل وتفيد في الاعتراف بالشهادة عالميا وغيرهاWhat is the Diploma Supplement? The Diploma Supplement was developed to provide students with a document that will be attached to a higher education diploma and improve international recognition of academic and professional qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc). The supplement provides a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies a student pursued and successfully completed. The Diploma Supplement is written in English and is supplied automatically, free of charge to every student graduating from the Institute of Technology, Sligo. Please Note : we are unable to produce Diploma Supplements for students graduating before 2006 as our student records do not contain the necessary information. What does the Diploma Supplement offer to students? The Diploma Supplement aims to provide students with information relating to their programme of study that is both easily understood and comparable abroad. It provides an accurate description of a student's academic curriculum and competencies acquired during the period of study that may be relevant for further study and employment opportunities abroad. Countries are constantly updating their qualification systems to encompass new qualifications that arise as a result of technological, political and economic changes. With people now taking greater advantage of work and study opportunities abroad, the need for a means of providing recognition of qualifications has become essential. The Diploma Supplement aims to meet these demands by: Promoting transparency within Higher Education Taking into account changes in qualifications Aiding mobility and access to further study and employment abroad Providing fair and informed information relating to qualifications What information does the Diploma Supplement contain? The Diploma supplement comprises eight sections. 1. Identification of the qualification holder: Name, date of birth, student institution identification number/code. 2. Identification of the qualification and its originating institution: Name of qualification, name and type of awarding institution, language(s) of instruction and examination. 3. Information on the level of qualifications: Level of qualification, access requirements, main fields of study for the qualification. 4. Information on the contents and results obtained: Mode of study, normal length of programme, programme requirements, courses/modules/units studied, individual grades obtained, ECTS grade, grading scheme and grade distribution, award classification. http://itsligo.ie/files/2010/01/What-is-the-Diploma-Supplement.pdf
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