
ملتقى الطلاب الليبيين للدراسة في الخارج، اخر قرارات الإيفاد، التفويضات، إدارة البعثات

Personal Statement

descriptionPersonal Statement EmptyPersonal Statement


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

كثير ما يُطلب من الطلبة عند مراسلة الجامعات كتابة "personal statement"

وهذا الموقع هو من أفضل المواقع لإحتواه علي نماذج عديدة منها وفي جميع التخصصات العلمية


أتمني أن تستفيدوا منه .

ملاحظة إدارية بوجود موضوع مشابه:

Statement of purpose

عدل سابقا من قبل مدير المنتدى في الأحد 30 يناير 2011, 2:51 am عدل 5 مرات (السبب : تثبيت)

descriptionPersonal Statement Emptyرد: Personal Statement


وعليكِ السلام ورحمة الله ..

بارك الله فيك أختي واحة.
موقع طيب ومفيد.

لعلنا سنجلب منه امثلة ننسخها هنا من بعد اذنك اختي لنساعد هؤلاء الذين يعانون من ضعف الاتصال بالانترنت.

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وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاتة

أحسنتي أختي واحة وأختيار مهم

جزاك الله كل خير

descriptionPersonal Statement Emptyرد: Personal Statement


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

بارك الله فيكم وجزاكم الله كل خير أخوتي مدير المنتدي والعبيدي , بالتأكيد يا أخي العبيدي يسعدني ذلك ...
فكرة طيبة وستثري الموضوع بلاريب .

جمعة مبــاركة وأعمالاً مقبولة أن شاء الله .

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وعليكِ السلام ورحمة الله

طيب .. اذاً سأبدأ بنقل نموذج أو اثنين حسب توفرها لكل تخصص.

ومن أراد الاستزادة وقراءة التعليقات فليرجع للموقع الذي جلبته أختي واحة.

بارك الله فيكم جميعا.

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السلام عليكم جميعا ..

تحياتي لاختي واحة في صفحات موضوعها هذا : )

أود وكما وعدت سابقاً إضافة بعض الامثلة من ذات الموقع الذي جليته الأخت واحة أعلاه.
توجد الكثير من الأمثلة في الموقع ولكني سأختار الأفضل باذن الله من قراءاتي واعتمادا على تعليقات القراء في الموقع وبعضهم من أهل لاختصاص !

نبدأ بواحدة في تخصص الـ Accountancy
ننوه الى انه في حين طُلب منك Personal Statement فلا تنسخ وتلصق من مثل هذه التنماذج فقد يكون مردودها سلبيا جدا عليك. لابد ان تكون كتابتك شخصية وتعكس اراءك ويحس القاريء فيها بالصدق فكن بعيدا عن التصنع والتكلف. الاستفادة من مثل هذه الامثلة هو أنك تُقلد .. تأخذ منها بعض التعبيرات .. تتعلم منها التركيبة الهيكلية أي كيف تبدأ وبماذا تختم ! وغيرها من الامور.

The way I think of Accounting is that it is a fundamental part of our way of life. This is because I believe that every person in the world uses the principle of Accounting at least once in their lives. It can be things that they do in their daily life, for example, checking how much money they have with them, or how much they have spent; or they use it in businesses and large-scale transactions where it is commonly known.

I am currently studying A-Level Accounts and as I developed an interest in it, I would like to continue studying this subject at university. I also chose A-Level Business Studies and A-Level Economics because I feel that these subjects complement each other. I also felt that, during revision, it helped me prepare for all my exams. Business Studies has given me a real insight on how the business world operates and what you need to do to succeed in business. However, Economics has taught me how to analyse and interpret economic data. It made me also develop theories about how people, the companies they run and the economy they live in, behave.

My interest in Accountancy started at an early age. I began part-time work as a sales assistant at Prince Pharmacy two years ago, where I also participated in collecting and processing invoices. Recently, I've started to work as a part-time receptionist for Al-Hasan Foundation, a charity which helps poor people to receive eye treatment in Iraq. During my work experience at these two jobs, I developed skills such as sense of responsibility, good teamwork and communication with people and strong leadership.

My main ambition for the future is to become a Chartered Accountant after I finish my degree at university. I am hoping university will provide me with an insight of the accounting world as well as offering me a wide range of choices and connections after my course.
My social life involves myself going out with friends regularly playing football and also tennis, swimming and cricket. My love for cricket was rewarded when I was part of the successful cricket team of my secondary school, where we finished second in the Under 13's Brent Schools' Cricket Association Tournament. I'm a keen follower of football and an avid fan of Liverpool Football Club and part of the local branch of their supporters club. I also try to keep up with the world of technology by reading magazines and a number of newspapers.
I actively participate in organizing youth activities such as football tournaments and trips to raise money for well-needy charities. One of these trips included a trip to Najaf (Iraq) to familiarize ourselves with their living standards and to assist in various projects there.

To conclude, I assure you that if given the opportunity, I will prove myself a capable and dedicated student. I know that I have the right amount of interest in Accountancy as a subject and the potential for success in order to achieve what I want. Finally, I believe that I have the commitment and the determination to complete this course successfully and fulfill my ambition to become a Chartered Accountant.

انتهت الـ "personal statement" وللعلم فانها تقييمها ثلاث نجوم اي انها جيدة جدا.

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بــارك الله فيك أخي العبيدي

ويا ليتك تضيف إفادات شخصيةأخري من بقية التخصصات .

جزك الله خيراً علي هذا المجهود المتميز وحُسب في ميزان عملك الصالح يا أخي .

descriptionPersonal Statement Emptyرد: Personal Statement

وفيكِ بارك الله أختي الكريمة واحة ..

نعم بكل تأكيد .. يُسعدني كثيراً الاشتراك في هذه الصفحة أيما سعادة.

في الحقيقة أنا مشغول بعض الشيء وهذا الذي يجعلني مُقصر مع الجميع فاعذروني.

وفق الله الجميع.

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لا عليك يا أخي العبيدي

خد وقتك فمشاغلك قبل المنتدي بالتأكيد ولا نطالبك أن تعاند ظرفك وتتحداه ...

سوف تنتظر البرسونال استيتمنت حتي تفرغ من شأنك وتنقل لنا حسب ما تري منها ماهو مفيد وجدير بالنقل .

وشكراً جزيلاً ثانيةٍ

descriptionPersonal Statement Emptyرد: Personal Statement

شكرا جزيلاُ ... جزاكِ الله خيراً! أختي الكريمة!
اود المشاركة باضافة مادة مقثطعة من "موقعك".
الملاحظ في "البيان الشخصي" انها مركزة و مختصرة علي الفوائد المستقأة من التجارب. أي عند كتابتك لبيانك الشخصي، حاول ان تركز علي النتائج و التأثيرات المستفادة من النشاطات التي قمت بها.
ساحاول تباين بعض الاجزاء التي نظهر الفوائد و الخبرات بلون مختلف:

Examination of any quality newspaper will probably demonstrate that more of the headlines address economic problems than any other topic. The importance and relevance of economic related disciplines to the modern world have led me to want to pursue the study of the subject at a higher level. I am particularly interested in the behaviour of firms and organisations from an economic point of view and I have based my A-level coursework in this field. During my study, I have come across many real life complexities and while attempting to explain these theories, I have developed a keen interest in analysing and understanding how the world of business is influenced by economics.
I have created an economics revision website for A-level and GCSE students. It is primarily intended to help younger students gain an understanding of core economic principles but has also helped me improve my own computer and presentational skills. I regularly read newspapers and economic publications to keep up to date with economic developments and I am able to use my mathematical and analytical skills to apply different economic theories to a range of real-life economic situations.
Last year, I took part in an economics and business project called Young Enterprise in which I set up a small company and sold products to students at our school. I enjoyed the chance to put some of my business economic theory into practice and was able to enhance my management and communication skills. I also gained a distinction in the associated exam.
To gain practical experience in the workplace, I worked for two weeks at a small software company specialising in financial software. I currently have a part time job and this has taught me much about teamwork, responsibility and time management in the workplace.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading, swimming, sketching and solving puzzles and logic problems. I have redesigned and been responsible for the maintenance of my school’s website.
I believe that I will gain a highly marketable set of skills from the study of economics at university. I have found economics to be a challenging and diverse discipline and I am interested in both macro and micro economics. It is this variation of perspective, combined with its real world importance, that makes economics an appealing subject to study at university.
الله ولي التوفيق

descriptionPersonal Statement Emptyمهم نرجو التثبيت

موضوع اكثر من مهم خصوصا للطلبة المطالبين باعداد وتقديم البيان الشخصي للجامعات الامريكية على وجه التحديد

جزا الله خيرا السابقين ونرجو من الحاضرين والذين تقدموا بها للجامعات وتحصلوا على قبول افادتنا اكثر بالخصوص

وفق الله الجميع

descriptionPersonal Statement Emptyبعض الافكار المفيدة

الاخطاء الشائعة الواجب تجنبها

Some example goals you may or may not want to use:

Don't try to be funny or make jokes in your statement
Don't start every sentence with I
Don't include your hobbies and interests unless they are relevant
Don't use vocabulary you don't normally use and just looked up in a dictionary
Don't use famous quotes in your statement
Don't repeat things already on your UCAS form
Don't write a list of all your hobbies and interests without explaining them
Don't lie or embellish the truth
Don't say you are going to do something before you come to university
Don't include boring phrases or hobbies which everyone does
Don't take any political viewpoints

احد الطرق الممكن كتابة البيان الشخصي بها:

Paragraph 1: Introduction to my subject, the parts I'm interested in and why
Paragraph 2: What I had done related to my subject which wasn't on the UCAS form
Paragraphs 3 and 4: work experience and things I had done in school
Paragraph 5: My interests outside of school (also contained my responsibilities)
Paragraph 6: My goal of going to university and closing comment

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جاري التثبيت .........

descriptionPersonal Statement Emptyرد: Personal Statement

بارك الله فيكم اخي المدير

وشكرا على المتابعة الطيبة

ولو امكن ان نطلب تثبيت موضوع من اختياركم فيما يخص التوفل ليكون منتدى اللغات عملي اكثر
حيث انه والايلس اهم امتحانان يمكن ان يمر بهما الموفد

حماكم الله واعانكم

descriptionPersonal Statement Emptyرد: Personal Statement


descriptionPersonal Statement Emptyرد: Personal Statement

جزاك الله كل خير شكرا جزيلا لك

descriptionPersonal Statement Emptyرد: Personal Statement


احببت أن أثري الموضوع بما عندى :
Words and phrases to avoid
الكلمات والجمل الواجب تجنبها عند كتابة البيرسونال إستيتمنت

Slang words or colloquial abbreviations:
الكلمات والإختصارات العامية

Stick to full English throughout your personal statement and avoid slang words.
الزم الانجليزية الواضحة وابتعد عن الانجليزية العامية

Do not use colloquialisms like "cos" and avoid using "&" instead of writing the word out in full.
لاتستخدم الاختصارات مثل cos ولكن استخدم because..لاتستخدم & ولكن استخدم and..

Your personal statement needs to look as professional as possible, and using examples like these will detract from that.
خطاب الدراسة يجب أن يبدو احترافيا بقدر الامكان واستعمال مثل تلك الأمثلة قد يجردها من ذلك

Swear words: Never, ever use swear words in your personal statement.
احذر من استخدام الكلمات الخارجة عن إطار الادب

A study conducted in 2005 at the University of Hertfordshire came up with the top 10 words to avoid using in your UCAS Personal Statement.
قد أجريت دراسة فى جامعة هيرفوردشير خلصت إلى أن أهم عشر كلمات واجب تجنبها عند كتابة خطاب الدراسة هي التالية:

These were:

Don't overuse words such as "also" and "in addition to". They can make your personal statement read like a list of things you have done instead of like a fluid, structured piece of writing.

لاتفرط في استخدام الكلمات: also,,in addition لانها تجعل خطابك يبدو كأنه قائمة لأشياء أنجزتها بدلا من كونه قطعة متماسكة ومنظمة

Using words like challenging, interesting, fascinating or valuable is fine, but do not use them without giving an explanation for their use. Explain why something is fascinating to you or something grabs your interest.

استخدام كلمات مثلchallenging, interesting, fascinating or valuable جيد ولكن لاتستخدمها بدون توضيح؛؛بمعنى وضح مثلا مالشىء الذي جعلك مولعا أو مهتما بشئ ما

Anyone can say they find history fascinating, but saying why it fascinates you will help set you apart from other applicants.
أي شخص يستطيع وصف نفسه بأنه مولع أو شغوف ولكن ذكر السبب يميزك عن الآخرين

Remember:Your personal statement is vital in ensuring you
get the university place you want.
if your Personal Statement is perfect,it'll making your academic aspirations a reality


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والله مشكورين على جهودكم بس ممكن توضيح اكثر

عن كيف ابدأ الكتابة من كتر ما اطلعت على نماذج حاس حالي مخربشة وملخبطة ياريت تساعدوني

descriptionPersonal Statement Emptyرد: Personal Statement

السلام عليكم ..

لعلي وإن سمح لي الوقت سأجلب أمثلة أكثر من الموقع الذي جلبته لنا الاخت واحة حفظها الله اينما كانت.

واقول للاخت مَي .. إن مررتِ من هنا مرة اخرى ارجو ان توضحي المطلوب توضيحه ^^
ونحن في الخدمة قدر المستطاع بإذن الله.

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شكرا للجميع على الموضوع المفيد جداا بالذات للي زي حالتنا

descriptionPersonal Statement Emptyرد: Personal Statement

قبل أن أنسى أود تذكير نفسي والجميع بأنه من الخطأ الجسيم نسخ احدى الرسائل الجاهزة وتقديمها كما هي مع اجراء بعض التعديلات كالاسم والتخصص او ما شابه

يجب ان يكون النص منا نحن ونتبع الخطوات والطريقة فقط

هذا هو الأفضل والأسلم

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وهنا أنقل لكم نموذجا آخر للبيان الشخصي لمن يدرسون هندسة الديكور والتصميم
Interior Design Personal Statement

I am anxious to become a creator. I wish to help people to live in
appropriate and attractive homes.

My intention is to learn to provide
beauty and cosiness to their lives. And I believe I can achieve that
through hard work, great effort and devoting a sufficient amount of
time. That is why I have chosen interior design. My acquaintance with
art began when I was seven years old. Then my mother took me to Art
School. During the 8 years of studies, I dealt with different forms of
art and eventually I discovered interior design. I graduated Art School
with the highest marks (10) for my diploma work and the examination of
the history of art, so there was no doubt in my further choice. Then I
decided to do some weekend courses for junior architects at Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University.

I got directly acquainted with the
design and erection of building and its decoration. The greatest
experience related to my chosen career was work in my father's company
as an assistant of an interior designer. Only then I realized the very
particularity of this kind of work. While working there I learnt to be
responsible and could completely fulfil my potential.

I obtained quite a
different experience during my work in a country cafe. There I improved
my ability to work in a team as well as to work hard and efficiently. I
take part in various competitions and I usually win there. My most
valuable achievement is the third place in Lithuania for a work of
ceramics. I also received my money prize for that, which was established
by the mayor of our town. Other competition was the one where I as a
winner was chosen to attend Arts camp. Our painting skills were improved
there by the teachers of Vilnius Academy of Arts. The rivalry underwent
at this camp forced me to try even harder and to develop my

Theatre is one more field of art that I am keen on. This
helps me to foster my communication skills, wittiness and courage. I can
also reveal myself like a costume and set designer. One of the most
important events in my life that has changed my point of view to many
things is the foundation of a non-governmental organization "Kedainiai

When I organized a hitchhiking competition I familiarized with
the peculiarities of this way of travelling as well as with the
geography of Lithuania. For this competition I had to show all my
shrewdness and plan everything with great precision. When I gave
painting lessons to the youth, I understood the particularity of the
work with people, i.e. what it is like to be a teacher. My biggest
achievement is that I learnt to be patient and more tolerant. As I am
involved in the activities of youth policy, I came across with lots of
political issues.

I obtained a lot of experience in the preparation of
local and international projects, writing of various regulations, taking
the minutes. Accordingly, I could be more involved into the matters of
youth policy. At the present moment I am a member of school democratic
association, a member of a regional Students' Board and a member of a
discussion club "Civitas". For this activity in 2009 I was awarded as
the most public-spirited student in the town. I am also keen on
travelling. The greatest benefit I have received from my journeys is the
improvement of my English skills.

I had an opportunity to participate
in 2 international projects and it helps me to appreciate the things I
have and the things that I can get. I dream to do some volunteer work
somewhere in Africa or Asia, because I want to help people who are in
need. Thus, my desire to see and experience things, curiosity and
interest in our surrounding world encouraged me to decide firmly on my

My choice is the United Kingdom, because to my mind it is a
cosmopolitan country, which can provide a sufficient amount of knowledge
for a degree in interior design. On the contrary, I am quite ready to
devote myself to studies, because I know what I want from life and I
think I am worth it.

وهذا النموذج قد تحصل على تقييم خمس نجوم

وأنصح بمن لديه القدرة على التصفح ان يمر بهذه النصوص في الموقع حيث انه سيستفيد من الانتقادات التي يكتبها المعلقون اسفل كل نص

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مثال آخر عن الـ personal statement

Languages/Linguistics Personal Statement

My decision to study languages at University stems from a fascination of the complexity of language and the changes which languages go through. As I am Scottish, I often speak in a regional dialect and I find myself engrossed as to why people speak in dialects and why speakers of the same language can have difficulties understanding each other. For some time, I have been intrigued by foreign languages as well as my own. After studying three foreign languages and English at school, the decision to study languages seemed a natural one. My biggest ambition in life has been to learn a foreign language and French really stood out to me in first year when I took part in my school's French club and we put on a play. As this goal developed, so did my love for not only foreign languages, but for my own language and the theory behind languages.

Another passion in my life is music. I have been studying Clarinet for five years and teaching myself Tenor Saxophone for two years. In March 2006, I was awarded Trinity grade five Clarinet at distinction level and I am currently preparing to sit grade seven Clarinet. I take part in many music groups in my school and East Lothian. Studying advanced higher music this year has also fuelled my love for languages and I am doing extensive research on French composers. As well as music, I love taking part in sporting activities. I swim regularly in my free time and I take part in the tennis club at school. Finally, my part-time job at Domino's Pizza has taught me valuable lessons in money management and being more confident.

I contribute to a number of areas in school. Last year, I was a prefect and this year, I have been chosen for the role of House Captain which entails running the House Council to discuss ideas for the school. I find this exciting as I get an opportunity to make positive decisions. My other duties include helping out at Parents' evenings and register classes and speaking to groups of pupils. In other areas, I take part in the Amnesty International Group where I raise money and campaign, school magazine and the prom and yearbook committee. In these areas, I have the opportunity to learn new skills and knowledge such as politics, journalism and responsibility with organising events.

Through studying advanced higher French, I have discovered French literature, something which I find highly enjoyable. For advanced higher, I read 'Le Silence De La Mer', by Vercors, and was immediately captivated and encouraged by my ability to not only read the book, but understand and analyse the novel. I find speaking to the language assistants at school to be a rewarding experience as I get the chance to practise the language and gain knowledge of the assistants' culture and life. Overall, I enjoy the advanced higher course as I am able to express myself more than ever before in a foreign language. From a linguistics point of view, I find the work of Steven Pinker very stimulating, particularly his views on first language acquisition which I read in his book, 'The Language Instinct.'

I have many areas which I believe studying language could lead me in the future. Through my own research, I have become highly interested in the area of teaching. I am intrigued by how young children learn languages and I feel very strongly that children should be taught languages from a very early age. I love the opportunity to promote this by helping out at a Spanish club at a local primary school.

I find that all of the activities I take part in and subjects that I have studied have made me a well-rounded, independent person, with worthy knowledge from many disciplines. I believe I will be committed to University as I understand how to study well through doing my advanced highers self study and I believe I am suited well to for a degree in languages. I cannot wait to start my degree course as I will be able to develop and refine skills I already have and gain new knowledge.

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رائع ماشاء الله وبارك الله فيكم

descriptionPersonal Statement Emptyرد: Personal Statement

Personal Statement 865607
صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:
لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى