[b]أخي هذه رسالة المكتب الكندي للطلبة الدارسين في كندا توضح المنحة قبل وبعد الزيادة:-[/b]Policy Update: 25% Increase in MLA for Libyan Students in Canada
December 3rd, 2012
Dear Libyan Students in the Canada,
CBIE is happy to inform you that the Libyan Ministry of Higher Education has approved a 25% increase of the monthly living allowance (MLA), to be issued to the Libyan students studying abroad, effective October 1st, 2012. The breakdown of the Old and New MLA rates is as follows:
Category Old MLA Rate ($) 25% Increase ($) New MLA Rate ($)
Single 2340+ 585= 2925
Married, 0 Children 2640 +660= 3300
Married, 1-2 Children 2880+ 720= 3600
Married, 3+ Children 3000+ 750= 3750 Please
be advised that CBIE is processing a retroactive adjustment of the
increase for the October, November and December MLAs. Every student(s)
who received MLAs in October, November and/or December, regardless of
their current status, will receive the 25% adjustment. The adjustment
will be deposited into your accounts by the end of this week.
Your January MLA will be deposited at a regular time according to the new rates.
As Academic Managers are working to process these adjustments, we ask you
to please delay your non-urgent inquiries to allow time for Academic
Managers to complete the process.
Thank you,
The Libyan North American Scholarship Program
Congratulation for all students