من طرف مدير المنتدى في الخميس أغسطس 19, 2010 11:28 am
شكرا لجهدك ووقتك الثمين وجزاك الله كل الخير
Thanks for your pass , our great headmasterمن طرف AHMAD في الجمعة أغسطس 20, 2010 1:09 pm
it is really great work .. dear opened eyes keep the great work
I have an advice which is very important to write an academic essay: : in academic writing avoid to express your opinion such as in my opinion or I think
to illustrate : instead of I will identify the major academic difficulties that international students face in Australia
we should write : This essay will identify ............... ect or The major academic difficulties that international students face in Australia will be identified in this essay
another example, if we are writing an argumentative essay to persuade the reader that euthanasia must be banned .After the background we need to write the thesis sentence as follows : It is the thesis of this essay that euthanasia should be illegal .
Hello, Mr, AHMAD,,, thanks for your advise,,I have 2 comments about itFirstly,I ve learned that in academic essay you can express your opinion but not at the introduction,,you can express it at the end of the body of essay or at the conclusion,,,
Secondly,, In thesis sentence , you can use
(I) BUT you can leave it out
look at these examples:
In this essay, I will examine some reasons for the growth of the tourism industry You can leave out "I." this essay will examine some reasons for the growth of the tourism industrySometimes the writer can tell which paragraphs will follow the thesis statement.I am going to analyse the effects of drugs on the individual, the family, and society. In an essay with the thesis statement above, there will clearly be three parts - one on the effects of drugs on the individual, one part with the effects on the family, and another with the effects on society.
Sometimes you don't need a "will" or "going to". Your thesis statement is so strong that it is clear what your opinion is.Beating children brutalizes parents, damages the parent-child relationship, and is completely unnecessary. In an essay with the thesis statement above, there will clearly be three parts - one on the effects of corporal punishment on parents, one part with the effects relationship, and another which claims that beating is not needed.
الدرس التالثالجزء الاولطريقة إيجاد الأفكاااار الكثير من الطلبة ينزعجون من كيفية إيجاد وتوليد الأفكار حول الموضوع المطلوب في الامتحان
"I don't know what to say!" "I don't know anything about this topic!"
لنرى ,, الطريقة المثلى للحصول على الأفكار تبدأ بقراءة السؤال جيدا ومن ثم وضع خط تحت كل كلمة رئيسية
Read and Underline Key Words
Should governments spend money on space exploration, or should they spend the money on problems here first
بعد ذلك ,, اكتب لكل كلمة منهن كلمات مشابهة لها في المعنى أو لها علاقة بالكلمة
Make sure you write down the words. Don't try to keep them in your head.
كلما كانت الكلمات أكثر كلما تولدت افكار أكثر,,,
اقض خمس دقائق فقط في كتابة هذه الكلمات,,
بالرجوع للمثال السابق لنرى الكلمات الممكنة
Governments = nations, countries, authorities, politicians
Spend = allocate, give, allot, provide, budget, make available, waste, award
Space exploration = space program, trips to the moon, the international space station, planets, planetary voyages
Money = budgets, taxes, resources,
Problems = concerns, issues, worries, disasters, threats, threatening, war, famine, poverty, education, homelessness, drugs, global warming
Here = on earth, in our own countries, closer to home, in developing countries, foreign aid,
بعد ذلك استخدم هذه الكلمات في جمل مفتوحة
هــــــــذالأسلوب يسمونه brainstorming (( العصف الذهني)) وهو يعد من اهم الاساليب وأسهلها في إيجاد وتوليد الافكار فمن خلال العصف الذهني لا تحتاج لإيجاد الأفكار إلا أن تضع موضوع في ذهنك لنفرض الكمبيوتر وتقوم بكتابة كلمة او جملة ترتبط بالكمبيوتر
an example of brainstorming
بـ هذه الطرريقه .. في المثاال الساابق قمنا بعمل عصف ذهني من خلاال اختيار لـ موضوع الكمبيوتر وكتبنا أي كلمه او جمله تخطر لها علاقه بـ الموضوع ..
مثــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــااااال Why do you think drug abuse is becoming more of a problem in our societyWrite your ideas down as they come to you - don't organize yet!
Increased individual freedom and choice
Cheap drugs available on street
Peer pressure to take drugs
Rebellion against parents, authority
People are looking for quick solutions to problem
Dealers are pushing drugs
Lack of police or customs control
Lack of parental control
Children and young people have money
Some people feel trapped in dead-end jobs or social problems
Poor relationship between parents and children
Poor relationship between children and other older family members or friends
Lack of role models
Insufficient punishment from police
Ordinary medications are widely available
Some drugs are highly addictive
Cultural aspects or leisure activities (music, dance etc) associated with drugs
Not enough alternative activities
Paranoia and incorrect information creates reaction in favor of drugs
Urge to experiment is greater
People are less conservative now than before
People travel widely, and experience different cultures
More knowledge about drugs from movies, novels, songs, etc
This is TOO MANY ideas! What should you do
اختار الأفكار المهمة
اختار الافكار التى تستطيع دعمها بأمثلة,,,لا يهم مدى قوة الفكرة أو السبب بل فقط انت تحتاج لدعم الفكرة بمثاال او اثنين
رتب هذه الأفكار
تخلص من الافكار التى تسئ أو تزعج القارئ
ولقـــــــــــــــــــــاؤنا مع الختاااااااااااام إن شـــــاء الله,,,