Abu Mohamed كتب: محمد الحاسي كتب: السلام عليكم اخوتي
معهد الجامعة طلب دعم مالي لكوس الاكاديمي مدته اربعة اشهر لاتمام متطلبات القبول قبل حصولي علي التاشيرة
مع اني ارسلت لهم دعم مالي اللي من البعثات و رسالة دعم التاشيرة
استفسار هنا
لو ارسلت لهم الدعم المالي من السفارة فهل يعني ذلك في حين الرفض لا قدر الله ان الاربعة اشهر يرجعولي قيمتها ام لا
وعليكم السلامالرفض يكاد يكون معدوما أو نادرا في تأشيرة تير-4 ولوقدر الله وحصل أعتقد لايوجد مشكلة ومن الأفضل لك التقديم عن طريق الجامعة لو حتقدم من داخل بريطانيا.
بارك الله فيك ابو محمد وجزاك الله خيرا
اقترح علي اخي المتوكل ان اخبر الجامعة اني اود الدراسة شهر في معهد خاص ثم انتقل الي معهدهم
فما رايكم في في هذا الرد اذا كان اي تعقيب قبل ما ارسل لهم الرد او اقتراح تعديل
Dear Michael,
Please receive the questionnaire below, and the required documents are attached.
And also please I have Inquiry, I have another CAS form Live Language School in Glasgow. Can I come to The UK to study one month in Live Language, then I will use your CAS to study in your TESOL Centre.
تم الالغاء اللي باللون الاحمرQuestionnaire
1. Please list all your previous Tier 4 student visas including start and end dates (please also provide copies): I have not had any Tier 4 student visa.
2. Please list all your previous Student Visitor Visas including start and end dates (please also provide copies): I have had only one Student Visitor Visa, it started on 18-2-2013 and ended on 18-1-2014.However, I entered on 8-April-2013.
3. Please list all UK based courses, including start and end dates, institution you studied at and the level you studied (please also include copies of certificates and results): I have had three courses at Glasgow School of English.
1- General English Intensive course at level " Pre-Intermedaite " : Started on 8-April-2013 and ended on 28-June-2013.
2- General English Intensive course at level " Intermedaite " : Started on 1-July-2013 and ended on 28-October-2013.
3- IELTS Intensive course at level " Intermedaite " : Started on 14-OCT-2013 and ended on 28-DEC-2013.
4. Do you require a student visa to study in the UK?
yes, I do.
5. Are you currently in the UK?
No, I am in my country. But I will come to The UK to study a sort course by another CAS from Live language school, this course will start on 17/3/2014 and I will join your course in the time تم الالغاء اللي باللون الاحمر.
6. If yes, what is your current immigration status?
7. When did you first enter the UK?
On 8-April-2013 by a Student Visitor Visa.
8. If you hold a current visa or residency permit, when is the expiry date?
9. Have you ever been refused entry into the UK?
10. If yes, please provide full details including dates and reasons for refusal: N/A
Thank you so much in advance.
With my warmest regards,
عدل سابقا من قبل محمد الحاسي في الأربعاء 19 فبراير 2014, 1:59 pm عدل 1 مرات
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت أستغفرك وأتوب إليك