السلام عليكم
الفترة هده نراسل في المكتب الكندي يرد عليا برسال هده:
الفترة هده نراسل في المكتب الكندي يرد عليا برسال هده:
Dear Students,
CBIE offices will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2013 for Labour Day.
Due to the large amount of requests we have been recieving please allow for additional time for responses. Please do not re-send multiple emails with the same request, as it delays the replying process.
We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, your patience is very much appreciated.
Kind Regards.
Rachelle Tessier
Program Administrator
هل هدا يعنى انه المكتب الكندي مقفل ولأمتى بيقعد هكي؟