السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
فبل كنت مانبيش نكتبلكم شن صار معايا علي شان ما يصيرلكمش احباط طبغا لاكن قلت خلي على الاقل انفضفض شوية لي اخوتي في المنتدى وخصوصا ليكم جماعة التأشيرة النيوزيلندية طبعا بعد الجهد والعناء والتعب والسفر طبعا لاني لست من سكان طرابلس ابعد عنها بحوالي 600 كيلو المهم حاءنل الرد من السفارة يوم 14-5 للأسف الشديد تم الرفض طبعا الله غالب لاسباب على حسب فهمي ليست واضحة ولاكن قال لي المكتب انه السبب الرئيسي للرفض هو القبول الاكاديمي ليست لدي لغة ممتازة ولاكن عندما قرأت رسالة الرفض حاولت ان اترجم منها بعض الكلام ولاكن احسست انهم لم يطلبوا قبول اكاديمي والله اعلم طبعا لاني لا اجيد اللغة الانجليزية كتيرا فقلت خلي انزل رسالة الرفض من السفارة هنا في المنتدى لعل احد يستطيع المساعدة مع انني احسست بالاحباط الشدييييييييييييد وفقدت الامل وضاع تعب ومجهود شهور في يوم واحد عندما وصلتنا هده الرسالة حيت قرأت الرسالة صباحا وعلمت انه تم الرفض وحاولت ان اترجمها قبل ان اخبر زوجي لعل وعسى اجد شي في الرسالة يطلبونه كورقة ناقصة او شي ولاكن دون جدوى فأخبرت زوجي بأن هناك رسالة وصلت وتقول بأنه تم الرفض فقال لي انني متفائل كتيرا متلك فأنا عندما نتكلم علي موضوع التأشيرة انقوله اني انا متفائلة ان شاءالله انحصلو التأشيرة لكي ابعت فيه الامل ولاكن الله غالب والحمدلله علي كل حال نبيكم اتساعدوني شن تنصحوني اندير حاليا وبارك الله فيكم وطبعا مانبيش حد منكم يحبط بعد هده الرسالة مني لان كل واحد ونصيبه وان شاءالله ربي يسهل على الجميع يارب وبنقول للأخ بلال انه انت قريت رسالة الرفض الخاصة بينا لاني حسب مافهمت من كلامك انك تقصدنا احنا من الجفرة المهم ان شاءالله يا اخ اخ بلال ربي يوفقك
وهده رسالة الرفض للي يبي يساعد بأي شي يفهمه منها يقوللنا شن طالبين وشن سبب الرفض بس
ومع العلم بعد حاولت انترجمها عرفت انهم غالطين وكاتبين اني انا عمري 28 سنة هدا اول غلط واني من سكان مدينة مصراتة وهدا كلام غلط والحقيقة ما فهمت شي وخلاص الله غالب
Thank you for your application for a student visa. We received your application on 13 April 2014.
Our decision on your application
As an Immigration Officer delegated by the Immigration Act to make decisions on visa applications, I have considered your submissions on your application and assessed these against the Immigration Instructions. In making a decision Immigration Officers also assess applications against publically available information such as news coverage and country information documentation.
I have today made a decision on your visa application in line with the Immigration Instructions and have declined your visa application because you do not meet the requirements set out in the Immigration Instructions.
Whilst you may have met the mandatory lodgement requirements for submission and consideration of a temporary visa to New Zealand, this does not on its own warrant approval of the application. Based on the final assessment of your application and taking into accountall information provided to date, we are not in a position to approve your application.
You are a 28 year old Female from Libya living in Misrata seeking to enter New Zealand on a Student visa with a specific purpose of studying English at English Language Centre – UoA.
You have provided vague intentions about what you plan to do and, according to your agent, have not made any significant investigations about what you will be studying in the future. Given the inherent risk you present given the situation in Libya currently, you are not considered to have a genuine intent of studying your course in New Zealand nor are you likely to return home at the end of your studies.
We have considered whether the imposition of a bond or the granting of a limited visa would mitigate our concerns but we do not think that they would. We have also considered whether there are any special circumstances which would warrant an exception to immigration instructions but we can find no reason to granta visa as an exeptionRequesting a Reconsideration
The Immigration Act specifies that there is no right to a reconsideration for temporary visa class applications made offshore. The New Zealand Immigration Instructions reinforce this specification in the Act. If you wish further information to be considered, you may submit a new application. Any such applications must be lodged in the prescribed manner and will be considered on its own merits. If you choose to apply for a visa of the same kind, the application is unlikely to be approved unless your circumstances have changed significantly.If you believe that there has been an error in process, you may e-mail dubaibranchfeedback@dol.govt.nz. If you believe there has been an error, you must specify exactly what the error in process is. Please note that your disagreement with the decision is not a process error. Please, before writing, review the Immigration Instructions so that you can note the errors according to the Immigration Instructions. Please note that if you do not note of a process error and instead seek a reconsideration, that you will likely result in a response that you need to submit another application.
فبل كنت مانبيش نكتبلكم شن صار معايا علي شان ما يصيرلكمش احباط طبغا لاكن قلت خلي على الاقل انفضفض شوية لي اخوتي في المنتدى وخصوصا ليكم جماعة التأشيرة النيوزيلندية طبعا بعد الجهد والعناء والتعب والسفر طبعا لاني لست من سكان طرابلس ابعد عنها بحوالي 600 كيلو المهم حاءنل الرد من السفارة يوم 14-5 للأسف الشديد تم الرفض طبعا الله غالب لاسباب على حسب فهمي ليست واضحة ولاكن قال لي المكتب انه السبب الرئيسي للرفض هو القبول الاكاديمي ليست لدي لغة ممتازة ولاكن عندما قرأت رسالة الرفض حاولت ان اترجم منها بعض الكلام ولاكن احسست انهم لم يطلبوا قبول اكاديمي والله اعلم طبعا لاني لا اجيد اللغة الانجليزية كتيرا فقلت خلي انزل رسالة الرفض من السفارة هنا في المنتدى لعل احد يستطيع المساعدة مع انني احسست بالاحباط الشدييييييييييييد وفقدت الامل وضاع تعب ومجهود شهور في يوم واحد عندما وصلتنا هده الرسالة حيت قرأت الرسالة صباحا وعلمت انه تم الرفض وحاولت ان اترجمها قبل ان اخبر زوجي لعل وعسى اجد شي في الرسالة يطلبونه كورقة ناقصة او شي ولاكن دون جدوى فأخبرت زوجي بأن هناك رسالة وصلت وتقول بأنه تم الرفض فقال لي انني متفائل كتيرا متلك فأنا عندما نتكلم علي موضوع التأشيرة انقوله اني انا متفائلة ان شاءالله انحصلو التأشيرة لكي ابعت فيه الامل ولاكن الله غالب والحمدلله علي كل حال نبيكم اتساعدوني شن تنصحوني اندير حاليا وبارك الله فيكم وطبعا مانبيش حد منكم يحبط بعد هده الرسالة مني لان كل واحد ونصيبه وان شاءالله ربي يسهل على الجميع يارب وبنقول للأخ بلال انه انت قريت رسالة الرفض الخاصة بينا لاني حسب مافهمت من كلامك انك تقصدنا احنا من الجفرة المهم ان شاءالله يا اخ اخ بلال ربي يوفقك
وهده رسالة الرفض للي يبي يساعد بأي شي يفهمه منها يقوللنا شن طالبين وشن سبب الرفض بس
ومع العلم بعد حاولت انترجمها عرفت انهم غالطين وكاتبين اني انا عمري 28 سنة هدا اول غلط واني من سكان مدينة مصراتة وهدا كلام غلط والحقيقة ما فهمت شي وخلاص الله غالب
Thank you for your application for a student visa. We received your application on 13 April 2014.
Our decision on your application
As an Immigration Officer delegated by the Immigration Act to make decisions on visa applications, I have considered your submissions on your application and assessed these against the Immigration Instructions. In making a decision Immigration Officers also assess applications against publically available information such as news coverage and country information documentation.
I have today made a decision on your visa application in line with the Immigration Instructions and have declined your visa application because you do not meet the requirements set out in the Immigration Instructions.
Whilst you may have met the mandatory lodgement requirements for submission and consideration of a temporary visa to New Zealand, this does not on its own warrant approval of the application. Based on the final assessment of your application and taking into accountall information provided to date, we are not in a position to approve your application.
You are a 28 year old Female from Libya living in Misrata seeking to enter New Zealand on a Student visa with a specific purpose of studying English at English Language Centre – UoA.
You have provided vague intentions about what you plan to do and, according to your agent, have not made any significant investigations about what you will be studying in the future. Given the inherent risk you present given the situation in Libya currently, you are not considered to have a genuine intent of studying your course in New Zealand nor are you likely to return home at the end of your studies.
We have considered whether the imposition of a bond or the granting of a limited visa would mitigate our concerns but we do not think that they would. We have also considered whether there are any special circumstances which would warrant an exception to immigration instructions but we can find no reason to granta visa as an exeptionRequesting a Reconsideration
The Immigration Act specifies that there is no right to a reconsideration for temporary visa class applications made offshore. The New Zealand Immigration Instructions reinforce this specification in the Act. If you wish further information to be considered, you may submit a new application. Any such applications must be lodged in the prescribed manner and will be considered on its own merits. If you choose to apply for a visa of the same kind, the application is unlikely to be approved unless your circumstances have changed significantly.If you believe that there has been an error in process, you may e-mail dubaibranchfeedback@dol.govt.nz. If you believe there has been an error, you must specify exactly what the error in process is. Please note that your disagreement with the decision is not a process error. Please, before writing, review the Immigration Instructions so that you can note the errors according to the Immigration Instructions. Please note that if you do not note of a process error and instead seek a reconsideration, that you will likely result in a response that you need to submit another application.